BSML gratefully acknowledges support from the following donors:
  • United Nations World Food Program has given five vehicles to BSML;
  • The Embassy of Japan in Islamabad has given BSML a grant to add two new Toyota Hiace vehicles to its fleet. These vehicles are expected to join BSML in January 2018;
  • BSML gratefully acknowledges valuable budgetary support from the Asia Foundation during the initial years of its operations. In addition the Books for Asia program of the Asia Foundation has been a constant source of excellent children’s books in English.
  • Other major donors of English books to BSML are San Francisco Public Library (SFPL) and Oxford University Press (OUP).
  • Most of BSML’s Urdu books have been purchased from local market with donations received from philanthropic individuals and organizations such as Zabaradast Charity;
  • Funds for BSML’s operational budget have been met through support from corporate sector and generous individual donations. Corporate sector included philanthropic organizations such as Oil & Gas Development Corporation (OGDCL) and a fundraiser hosted by Serena Hotel, Islamabad. Donations from Pakistan diaspora and individual donations in the US are received through Give2Asia

For US citizens

You can make tax-deductible donations through Give2Asia, our US fund, a 501(c)(3) non-profit by clicking here.

Note: Please consider making your donation a recurring gift - either monthly or annual so we can plan ahead and build for our childerns' futures!

For Pakistani and other non-US donors

A) Funds transferred to the account of:  Bright Star Mobile Library
Account name: bright star mobile library
Faysal bank f6 branch
IBAN #PK35FAYS3238301000001818
ACCOUNT NUMBER:3238301000001818

B) Mail your donations to: Bright Star Mobile Library
2, Murtaza Street
Bani Gala, Islamabad, Pakistan